Saturday, April 24, 2010

Home Sweet Home...God provides

Hey lovely people,

We have a God story, and a couple of prayer requests, so here goes:

God story:
We are finally going to be able to move into a bigger place! Yay!

Up till now we have been sharing one small room with a small 3/4 bathroom and a mini kitchenette space. The only sink that we have is in the bathroom, so basically we have been washing our dishes in the same sink that we brush our teeth in (so much fun ;-). While cramped, this placed has been a blessing to and we are grateful that God provided for us to be able to live here for the past year. However with a baby coming, this just isn't going to be enough space for the three of us. Which is why we have been praying for somewhere else to live, but considering the small budget we already live off of every month, this was going to be a challenge.

After much praying and waiting on God, we have learned that we are going to be able to move into one of the cabins that are here on the YWAM base. Even though we call them cabins, the mental picture should probably be that of more of a small cottage. The cabin we will be moving into is only about two years old! We will have a room for the baby, a kitchen, our own bedroom that is not in the living room (like we have now) even a bathtub! We are thrilled and so excited to God for providing this space for us to live in. And while our monthly costs will go up with our new housing, it is still going to be a very economical option for us.

So, thank you everyone to who has been praying for us! God has been so faithful to provide for us all along! We hope that this encourages you, as you trust in him to provide for your needs as well.

Prayer Requests:
With that said, we have a few things that we would humbly as for you to pray about for us...

1. We need a washer and dryer. The cabin we are moving into has a small closet that is designed to fit a stacked washer and dryer. We don't have the finances to buy a new one, (they start at about 900 dollars) and finding them used is a bit tricky....please pray that God would provide a stacked washer and dryer for us. With a baby coming, this is VERY you all know, babies create lots of laundry!

2. Justin is teaching Joel and Obadiah this Monday (April 26th.) Please pray for him as he continues to prepare throughout the weekend and when he teaches on Monday. His lecture is from 2-5 pm mountain time, for those of you who want to be interceding while he teaches.

Thanks so much for your interest in our lives! We love you all!

J & A

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