Friday, April 2, 2010

Proverbs - "Pass it on"

Hello Everybody! I hope you are all doing well! Students are now returning from having a week of spring break and Monday marks the start of the third and final quarter of the 09/10 SBS.

I (Justin) had the awesome privilege of teaching the book of Proverbs a couple weeks ago in our School of Biblical Studies, and it went awesome! Thanks so much for praying for me as I prepared and taught.

The book of Proverbs is such and amazing book of the Bible! God really used this book to speak to me where I am at at this point in my life. This book is about passing wisdom and guidance on to the next generation; showing them practical ways to live everyday life so that they can walk in their Covenant with God. As you know, Annie and I are about to have a baby girl. God used this book to challenge me that I need to take this next five months to get as ready as I can for this baby girl. It is up to me to learn and grow so I can be the best father I can be.

The other main thing God really highlighted to me both for my life and for the students, is that wisdom is a lifestyle. When we look at the life of Solomon (author of some of the proverbs) we see that he was the smartest man in the world and he still fell because of his love for women. He had all the wisdom he could need, and still fell, because he failed to use it. It isn't about just having wisdom but living that wisdom out in every day situations in our lives. It is up to us to walk in a lifestyle of wisdom and the book of proverbs has some good helps for us to do this. Although some of the proverbs, don't apply to us culturally there are specific truths in each of them; truths that can be applied by us today.

My main application of the lecture was seeking wise counsel. The book of Proverbs encourages one to seek wise counsel for wisdom in whatever decisions you are going to make and situations you are in. For me, as our daughter is about to come I need to be asking other parents what I can do to get ready to better prepare me to be a father.

Our students are in the part of this school where they are making decisions about what they are to do next, after the school is over. As an application, I had them write down three people that they trust and can talk to for advice in any area of their lives so that they can go to those people and seek wise counsel.

I am so thankful that God had me teach this book! It was such a blessing to me and it was awesome to see the students discover what God had for them in this book as well.

Next Teachings

Joel and Obadiah April 26th
Esther June 4th

Zephaniah May 14th

Praise reports:

  • After being very sick the first five months of her pregnancy, Annie is finally starting to feel better. Annie has had to step back a bit from her normal SBS duties in order to focus on her health, but she is now hopeful to jump back in with the start of the new quarter and finish the year strong.
  • We have been seeing God provide for us in amazing ways! Thank you to everyone who has been praying for us!
  • Justin has been able to borrow a laptop until we can afford to get him a new one. Thanks to everyone who has been donating and praying for this.
Prayer Requests:
  • Finances- We are still trying to raise finances to cover our increase in costs of living with baby coming.
  • Housing -We are still waiting to get into a bigger place that will fit our growing family. This also means an increase in our monthly expenses. Please pray for the right place to open up for us, before the baby comes, and for the finances we will need to afford it.
  • Health- continued health for mom and baby
  • Our marriage and family- It has been a year full of changes!!! Please pray that we will grow together as we process through all of the changes that we have encountered this year and will continue to encounter with the growth of our family. Also for grace and wisdom as we raise a family on the mission field.
  • Lectures-pray for us as we prepare to teach the word of God this quarter. Teaching is a responsibility that we do not take lightly. Also that we would be good stewards of the other many hats we wear as SBS staff, from discipleship to grading and beyond.
With love and gratitude,

Justin & Annie (& baby girl)

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight." Proverbs 19:10

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the update! I'm glad to hear that Annie is doing well and that you, Justin, have been getting so much out of your teachings! God is making you into such an amazing man! I'm proud of you both and I'm extremely excited for your baby girl that's on her way! :) Love you guys!

    ~Danielle Hanson
